All Prompts

[C] - 01

You must have completed [C]00 - Buying a Home before pursuing this quest.



Ra'ull Map




Nestled near the sea, the quaint village of Ra’ull beckons. It’s time to leave your Burrow, to set off on your own to make sense of this world. Clutching your brochure, you make your way down to the small Golden Wing Realty office to purchase a new home. It appears that Bridgett, who usually works at the Main Office at the Cream Cafe, is here today. She beckons you over.


If your bun looks wealthy…


"Oh my, whatever are you doing here? You really could do better," she said, peering at you over her glasses with raised eyebrows. “Unfortunately, there’s only one thing for sale right now.”


If your bun looks like a poor college student...


“And...what might you be doing here?” she asks, judgmentally staring you up and down. “I can already see that there’s only one thing in your price range.”


How rude! You’d think she’d be polite!


Either way, she whisked away your money, started stamping deeds, and then ran off to the back, sniggering after slamming a deed into your paws. Completely mortified at her behavior, you left, stunned. You hoped no one else acted so terribly. Thankfully, there were many good folk in Ra'ull.


You looked at your deed. It showed a picture of a run-down shack near a little forested area. In fact, you passed it on your way into town.  (Note: The town map can be viewed by clicking on World-->World Lore-->Quest Lore. While it is not required to read, it is recommended that you do so.)  Whatever the case, you finally had your own home. Making your way back down the dusty path, you spotted your home, in all its run-down glory, next to a small park. Taking a big breath, you walked in through its door....



Draw your Creambun moving in! (Make sure you draw the shack correctly, though you are free to remove the “For Sale” sign. You can see the Creambun alphabet here!



Reward Amount
CR1 1
Gold 1000
Creameree 100
1 result found.